Friday, September 17, 2021



Procrastination is the action of unnecessarily and voluntarily delaying or postponing something despite knowing that there will be negative consequences for doing so. The word has origin from the Latin procrastinatus, which itself evolved from the prefix pro-, meaning "forward," and crastinus, meaning "of tomorrow.

Why fight procrastination?

"While we waste our time hesitating and postponing, life is slipping away."

-- Seneca

Procrastination is one of the main barriers blocking you from getting up, making the right decisions and living the dream life you've thought of.

Recent studies have shown that people regret more the things they haven't done than the things they have done. In addition, feelings of regret and guilt resulting from missed opportunities tend to stay with people much longer.

Sometimes all our opportunities seem to be on our fingertips, but we can't seem to reach them. When you procrastinate, you waste time that you could be investing in something meaningful. If you can overcome this fierce enemy, you will be able to accomplish more and in doing so better utilize the potential that life has to offer.

We now know that the world today is conducive to procrastinating and learning how to overcome it is, therefore, one of the most important skills you can learn.


Why do people procrastinate?

Willpower is often perceived to be the leading cause of procrastination, but it is mainly our intrinsic motivation that helps us to overcome the habit of putting things off on daily basis.

Decision paralysis

The number of opportunities that today's world offers is staggering. Modern society idolizes individual liberty in the belief that the freer people are, the happier they will be. So then why aren't people today significantly happier than in the past? Because with more freedom to make our own decisions and to perform our actions, we have become easily confused about what is a priority, what is essential and what is not, and with what is right and wrong, and therefore we have become demotivated to do anything at all.

We need to set straight our values and personal visions and to cultivate our positive habits. This is the essential thing that can help us overcome not only procrastination but also all the other obstacles that life brings.

Ignoring The Value of Time

We were all born and unfortunately at some point will all die too. The time we spend on Earth is both limited and finite. In light of these facts, time is the most valuable commodity you have. It’s not money; unlike time, you can borrow money, save, or earn more. You can’t do that with time. Every single second you waste is gone forever.

The mere realization that life is finite leads people to begin managing their time more carefully. It makes you think about how you would ideally like to spend your time on Earth.

Lack of self-discipline

You can imagine self-discipline or self-control as a moment when you give yourself orders, but you are having a hard time following them. It is not the primary cause of procrastination, but an important compound. To be disciplined, you need to have the correct type of motivation and learn to maintain and work on positive habits.

Types of motvation and why setting goals will never work

Extrinsic motivation

Rewards and punishments or carrots and sticks were developed to force people into performing actions they would never consider on their own. But when people do things they don’t want to do, they are less happy, and their brains release less dopamine. Many studies have confirmed that using extrinsic motivation lowers performance in activities that require even a little brainwork and creativity.


Goal-based motivation

This motivation drives people forward, causing them to work hard for their goals, which means that sooner or later, they will indeed achieve them. And when that finally does happen, a one-time dose of dopamine is released, resulting in an intense emotion of joy. The problem is that what follows next is a phenomenon known as hedonic adaptation. This causes people to get accustomed to their accomplished goals unexpectedly. A few minutes, hours, or, at most, days upon reaching a goal, positive feelings will disappear.

Intrinsic motivation

Meaning and vision provide long-lasting and satisfying motivation. When people see the purpose in their actions, particularly when they actually want to perform these actions, one of the strongest forms of motivation arises, it is called the intrinsic journey-based motivation. This type of motivation is based on the concept of having a personal vision. Unlike chasing goals, a personal vision is an expression of something lasting. It answers the question of how you would most like to spend your time in life. It focuses on actions, not results. It focuses on the journey, not the destination.

What procrastination is not

Procrastination is not laziness

Procrastinators often put off doing things, leave them to the very last moment or sometimes even spend their time staring at the wall. However be careful, procrastination is not a synonym for lazy.

Lazy people, simply don’t do anything and are just fine with it. Procrastinators, on the other hand, have the desire to actually do something but can’t force themselves to start.

It's a good idea to start using the word procrastination instead of using the terms laziness or putting things off. It provides a much more accurate description of your situation. Only by giving the right name to your problem can you begin working on it.

Friday, August 13, 2021



TEXT:GEN 3:1-24 

It's a great pleasure for me to share the Gospel with you tonight. This is KINGDOM BUILDERS MISSION.

HOLY SPIRIT  teach us more and give light to our understanding. 

Disobedience as the foundation of sin begins from the first generation ( adam and eve ), which so many Christians and believer are involved in today, from our text,(GENESIS 3), we can see how easily it is for the serpent to have his way through man. 

There are so many things you could have achieved as a youth but a power already have his way in your life by your approval. The serpent has no power over man faith at all, he knew all this instruction giving to men was an information, then he had to reveal the conclusion himself,that's in verse 4,the serpent knows man can't believe without faith,believe is the author of faith and,( Hebrew 11:1) "faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen",the serpent as cunning as every beast of the field know how to manipulate his deeds.

And i pray in the name that's is above every other name,everyone who has figure a way to ruin you down,may they pay the price with their blood in jesus name. 

The serpent hold unto the information that was giving to them by God, let me digress a bit, information which is the most brilliant and powerful weapon to wage war, by information(words) you're created. 

Holy spirit as we continue give us the miracles of understanding tonight. 

There are forces that leads to disobedience, though it's a spirit on is own working based on information,

The devil never give up at any cost, so why are you giving up now. All he wants is to see how you will end the  race. Let me say this, men with the belief of speaking in tongues confuse the devil, my brother, my sister, he understand every tongues, he was with God before your existence and he knows everything that's happening and that's why the devil  could seek for God permission over job. (Job 1: 11) ,see let be careful on how we disclose information, be it emotionally, ambition, what so ever it may be.

And back to our topic tonight 

If samson had listen to his parents, he wouldn't have fall like that, he won't have die with his enemies,but he allowed disobedience to find expression in him and the philistines get a information about him,you could imagine a man who kill thousands with just jaw bone of an animal, isn't that awesome but because he was disobedient enough not  to listen,Delilah was used to get him, may our story line  never be like that samson, .

I will like to  talk about a man who could have disorganised the plan of God, (Luke 1), the priests  zacharias, john father,the lord shut him up until the day his baby will be named,and so its applicable to us all who can't save secret, that's why you pray you didn't hear anything, don't you know that the secret of a great man is his secret.

How far you can keep secret determines how far you can go,I'm not telling us to start keeping secrets but there valuable secrets which are meant for you alone,for example go to different restaurant and you will see that there's a difference in the taste of their meal, which is their secret. 

I thinking the holy spirit is helping us tonight, for the fact that serpent knew about the fruit, but eve could have taken it as a secret, you can know a man secret but also find it hard to hold unto his secret, because he never allow you to find expression in him, pls brethren, it would be better if you set a standard for yourself, i don't mean you should be arrogant, full of pride, set a standard with wisdom.


Obedience is better than sacrifice 1 Samuel 15:22

Saul was to destroy amalekites, but he disobeyed p God and he surely receive is reward, see no sinner will go unpunished, it's better to hearken to the voice of the Lord and reap it's reward rather than helping God,you can't help God,you can only be align with him.

I say this beloved, make your way right  with God and you will see thing's changing for Good for you. 


1 Original Sin. Perhaps the Bible's greatest example of disobedience would be Adam and Eve's experience in the Garden of Eden. ...

2 Cain and Abel. Genesis also tells the story of the brothers Cain and Abel. ...

3 Lot's Wife. The third of the earliest examples of man disobeying God also comes from Genesis. ...

4 Forty Years Wandering.

Israel Refuses to Enter the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 1:19-45)

In the wilderness, the people's fear leads to a failure to trust God. As a result they rebel against God’s plan for them to enter the land he promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Deut. 1:7-8). God had brought Israel out of slavery in Egypt, given the law at Mt. Horeb (Sinai), and brought the people swiftly to the borders of the promised land (Deut. 1:19-20). According to the book of Numbers, God asks Moses to send out spies to survey the land he is giving to the Israelites, and Moses obeys (Numbers 13:1-3). But other Israelites use this reconnaissance mission as a chance to disobey God. They ask Moses to send out spies so they can stall the military action that God commanded. When the spies return with a favorable report, the Israelites still refuse to go (Deuteronomy 1:26). "The people are stronger and taller than we; the cities are large and fortified up to heaven," they tell Moses, adding that "our hearts melt" (Deut. 1:28). Even though Moses assures the people that God will fight for them just as he did in Egypt, they do not trust God to fulfill his promises (Deut. 1:29-33). Fear leads to disobedience which leads to severe punishment.

Because of this disobedience, the Israelites living at the time are barred from entering the promised land. "Not one of these - not one of this evil generation - shall see the good land that I swore to give to your ancestors" (Deut. 1:35). The only exceptions are Caleb and Joshua, the only members of the scouting expedition who encouraged the Israelites to obey God's command (Numbers 13:30). Moses himself is barred from entering the land due to a different act of disobedience. In Numbers 20:2-12 Moses pleads to God for a water source, and God tells Moses to command a rock to become a spring. Instead Moses strikes the rock twice with his staff. Had Moses spoken to the rock, as God commanded, the resulting miracle might have satisfied both the Israelite's physical thirst as well as their need to believe that God was taking care of them. Instead, when Moses strikes the rock as if to break it open, the opportune moment passes. Like the Israelites in Deuteronomy 1:19-45, Moses is punished for his lack of faith which underlines his disobedience. "Because you did not trust in me, to show my holiness before the eyes of the Israelites," says God, "therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I have given them" (Numbers 20:12).

When the Israelites realize that they have condemned themselves to a lifetime of eking out an existence in the desert instead of enjoying the "good land" (Deuteronomy 1:25) God had prepared for them, they make their own plans to attack the Amorites. But God declares, "Do not go up and do not fight, for I am not in the midst of you; otherwise you will be defeated by your enemies" (Deut. 1:42). A lack of trust in God's promises leads Israel to miss the blessings he had in store for them.

When we know what is right, but are tempted to violate it, trust in God is all we have to keep us in God’s ways. This is not a matter of moral fiber. If even Moses failed to trust God completely, can we really imagine that we will succeed? Instead, it is a matter of God’s grace. We can pray for God’s Spirit to strengthen us when we stand for what is right, and we can ask for God’s forgiveness when we fall. Like Moses and the people of Israel, failure to trust God can have serious consequences in life, but our failure is ultimately redeemed by God’s grace.

Monday, August 2, 2021


On a good day, the rich and the less privilege was called for a meeting base on how to make the community a better place for life, the rich man spake his mind as he understands and the less privilege was speaking with courage of seeing different things in the world,but the rich man point was for the benefit of the rich and high class.

 the less privilege point was good enough to change a whole country,the moderator ask the less privilege how come you have a great point and you're still in this state,the man answered and said, having the idea is not enough but how to put in place.

The moderator was inspired, he felt for less privilege and he was asked,if you have a support, can you fulfill all you've said and he said yes.

      However,the moderator and the judges make a conclusion and the rich was told to come back for the next editon of the program.
I'm led to ask you this morning,what are your content, what is the quality of your content,is not about having many knowledge,

but what are the knowledge you gain,are they to make influence, impact or for your benefit,don't forget that life is all about give and take,how prepared are you, an adage say's "preparation with opportunity makes good success" the less privilege was prepared Thats was why he had a great point,life  is not about how far you've gone,but how well you've gone..

Have a good content to change life's and not acquire to yourself,you only know today but you don't know tomorrow,what will you be remember for.

Let's know if you get valued in the comment session

Good morning and have wonderful and blessed week.

Designed for impact.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Purpose is not all you should base on.

I could wonder what makes a great man fall,he had all he wants,all he needed,but at a point not everything he could achieve.

some of us are now arrogant and self center,you discover your purpose and you think that all,there's an energy to sustain your purpose,which some would never find.

because they are been carried away by their present stage in life,ladies and gent.

i will love to tell you that there are great men with great vision who we never heard anything about them anymore,they discover purpose but no virtue,most of us think is all about discovering the purpose,

where is the sustainer of the purpose,and some couldn't discover purpose because their purpose is tied with their virtue.

there are places your purpose can't Let you in,but your virtue speaks for you.

so many with great purpose are died and we couldn't remember them for nothing,but some die and it was their virtue who still speaks till date.

pls get virtue and you will be valued,is not about today it's about tomorrow...

Samson discover purpose but lack of virtue erase him off

Esther discover purpose,her virtue sustain her

Don't dwell on that purpose,it's your personal assignment but for you to make use of it you need virtue.


Get virtue and you will be valued.


     designed for impacts..


 Procrastination  Procrastination is the action of unnecessarily and voluntarily delaying or postponing something despite knowing that there...